Web scraping may seem like a simple task, but there are many challenges to overcome. In this blog, we will delve into how to scrape LinkedIn to extract job listings. To do this, we will use Puppeteer and RxJS. The goal is to achieve web scraping in a declarative, modular, and scalable manner.
Unrestanding Web scrapping
Web scraping is a data extraction technique used to gather information from websites. It involves the automated process of retrieving specific data from web pages, such as text, images, links, and more, and then storing or processing that data for various purposes.
Puppeteer is a JavaScript library that allows you to control web browsers like Chrome for web scraping. Puppeteer enables us to script and monitor tasks such as navigating to a specific webpage and extracting the data we need. It's the ideal tool for web scraping because, being a web browser, it can overcome any potential obstacles, such as in the case of websites that require the execution of JavaScript to function or display data.
RxJS is a library for reactive programming in JavaScript. It provides a set of tools and abstractions for working with asynchronous data streams. We will use RxJS in this example because it offers the following advantages:
- Declarative asyncrononous code
- Improved error handling
- Enhanced retry logic
- Simplified code adaptation
- A wide range of operators to assist us throughout the process
Puppeteer initialization
The code snippet below initializes a Puppeteer browser instance in a non-headless mode and subsequently creates a new web page. This represents the most fundamental and straightforward initialization process for Puppeteer:
(async () => {
console.log('Launching Chrome...');
const browser = await puppeteer.launch({
headless: false,
// devtools: true,
// slowMo: 250, // slow down puppeteer script so that it's easier to follow visually
args: [
const page = await browser.newPage()
* 1. Go lo linkedin jobs url
* 2. Get the jobs
* 3. Repeat step 1 with other search parameters
Some of the snippets in this blog may omit parts for clarity. You can find the complete code in this repository.
Go to Linkedin jobs list and extract the jobs data
This is the core part of this blog, where we dive into the process of accessing LinkedIn's job listings, parsing the HTML content, and retrieving the job data in JSON format.
1- Constructing the URL for Navigating LinkedIn Job Listings
To access LinkedIn's job listings, we need to construct a URL using the function urlQueryPage
export const urlQueryPage = (search: ScraperSearchParams) =>
&start=${search.nPage * 25}${search.locationText ? '&location=' + search.locationText : ''}`
This URL generation function is a crucial step in our process, enabling us to navigate LinkedIn's job listings with the specific search criteria defined by searchText
, pageNumber
, and optionally locationText
Examples of url can be:
- https://www.linkedin.com/jobs-guest/jobs/api/seeMoreJobPostings/search?keywords=Angular&start=0
- https://www.linkedin.com/jobs-guest/jobs/api/seeMoreJobPostings/search?keywords=React&location=Barcelona&start=0
- https://www.linkedin.com/jobs-guest/jobs/api/seeMoreJobPostings/search?keywords=python&start=0
2- Navigating to the URL and Extracting Job Data
With our target URL identified, we can proceed with the two primary actions required:
Navigating to the Job Listings URL: This step involves directing our web scraping tool to the URL where the job listings are hosted.
Extracting Job Data and Converting to JSON: Once we're on the job listings page, we'll employ web scraping techniques to extract the jobs data and return them in JSON format.
/** main function */
export function getJobsFromLinkedinPage(page: Page, searchParams): Observable<JobInterface[]> {
return defer(() => navigateToJobsPage(page, searchParams))
.pipe(switchMap(() => getJobsFromLinkedinPage(page)));
/* Utility functions */
export const urlQueryPage = (search: ScraperSearchParams) =>
&start=${search.nPage * 25}${search.locationText ? '&location=' + search.locationText : ''}`
function navigateToJobsPage(page: Page, searchParams): Promise<Response | null> {
return page.goto(urlQueryPage(searchParams), { waitUntil: 'networkidle0' });
export const stacks = ['angularjs', 'kubernetes', 'javascript', 'jenkins', 'html', /* ... */];
export function getJobsFromLinkedinPage(page: Page): Observable<JobInterface[]> {
return defer(() => fromPromise(page.evaluate((pageEvalData) => {
const collection: HTMLCollection = document.body.children;
const results: JobInterface[] = [];
for (let i = 0; i < collection.length; i++) {
try {
const item = collection.item(i)!;
const title = item.getElementsByClassName('base-search-card__title')[0].textContent!.trim();
const imgSrc = item.getElementsByTagName('img')[0].getAttribute('data-delayed-url') || '';
const remoteOk: boolean = !!title.match(/remote|No office location/gi);
const url = (
(item.getElementsByClassName('base-card__full-link')[0] as HTMLLinkElement)
|| (item.getElementsByClassName('base-search-card--link')[0] as HTMLLinkElement)
const companyNameAndLinkContainer = item.getElementsByClassName('base-search-card__subtitle')[0];
const companyUrl: string | undefined = companyNameAndLinkContainer?.getElementsByTagName('a')[0]?.href;
const companyName = companyNameAndLinkContainer.textContent!.trim();
const companyLocation = item.getElementsByClassName('job-search-card__location')[0].textContent!.trim();
const toDate = (dateString: string) => {
const [year, month, day] = dateString.split('-')
return new Date(parseFloat(year), parseFloat(month) - 1, parseFloat(day) )
const dateTime = (
|| item.getElementsByClassName('job-search-card__listdate--new')[0] // less than a day. TODO: Improve precision on this case.
const postedDate = toDate(dateTime as string).toISOString();
* Calculate minimum and maximum salary
* Salary HTML example to parse:
* <span class="job-result-card__salary-info">$65,000.00 - $90,000.00</span>
let currency: SalaryCurrency = ''
let salaryMin = -1;
let salaryMax = -1;
const salaryCurrencyMap: any = {
['€']: 'EUR',
['$']: 'USD',
['£']: 'GBP',
const salaryInfoElem = item.getElementsByClassName('job-search-card__salary-info')[0]
if (salaryInfoElem) {
const salaryInfo: string = salaryInfoElem.textContent!.trim();
if (salaryInfo.startsWith('€') || salaryInfo.startsWith('$') || salaryInfo.startsWith('£')) {
const coinSymbol = salaryInfo.charAt(0);
currency = salaryCurrencyMap[coinSymbol] || coinSymbol;
const matches = salaryInfo.match(/([0-9]|,|\.)+/g)
if (matches && matches[0]) {
// values are in USA format, so we need to remove ALL the comas
salaryMin = parseFloat(matches[0].replace(/,/g, ''));
if (matches && matches[1]) {
// values are in USA format, so we need to remove ALL the comas
salaryMax = parseFloat(matches[1].replace(/,/g, ''));
// Calculate tags
let stackRequired: string[] = [];
title.split(' ').concat(url.split('-')).forEach(word => {
if (!!word) {
const wordLowerCase = word.toLowerCase();
if (pageEvalData.stacks.includes(wordLowerCase)) {
// Define uniq function here. remember that page.evaluate executes inside the browser, so we cannot easily import outside functions form other contexts
const uniq = (_array) => _array.filter((item, pos) => _array.indexOf(item) == pos);
stackRequired = uniq(stackRequired)
const result: JobInterface = {
id: item!.children[0].getAttribute('data-entity-urn') as string,
city: companyLocation,
url: url,
companyUrl: companyUrl || '',
img: imgSrc,
date: new Date().toISOString(),
postedDate: postedDate,
title: title,
company: companyName,
location: companyLocation,
salaryCurrency: currency,
salaryMax: salaryMax,
salaryMin: salaryMin,
countryCode: '',
countryText: '',
descriptionHtml: '',
remoteOk: remoteOk,
stackRequired: stackRequired
console.log('result', result);
} catch (e) {
console.error(`Something when wrong retrieving linkedin page item: ${i} on url: ${window.location}`, e.stack);
return results;
}, {stacks})) as Observable<JobInterface[]>)
The code provided effectively extracts all available job information from the page. While it may not be the most aesthetically pleasing code, it gets the job done, which is typical for scraping code.
In a standard programming context, it's generally advisable to decompose code into smaller, isolated functions to enhance readability and maintainability. However, when dealing with code executed within page.evaluate in Puppeteer, we are somewhat constrained because this code is executed in the Puppeteer (Chrome) instance, not in our Node.js environment. Consequently, all code must be self-contained within the page.evaluate call. The only exception here is variables (like stacks in our case), which can be passed as arguments to page.evaluate, ensuring they don’t contain functions or complex objects that cannot be serialized.
In this case, the only challenging part to scrape is the salary information, as it involves converting a text format like '$65,000.00 - $90,000.00' into separate salaryMin and salaryMax values. Additionally, we've encapsulated the entire code within a try/catch block to gracefully handle errors. While we currently log errors to the console, it's advisable to consider implementing a mechanism to store these error logs on disk. This practice becomes particularly important because web pages often undergo changes, necessitating frequent updates to the HTML parsing code.
Lastly, It's important to note that we always use the defer
and fromPromise
operators to convert Promises into Observables:
defer(() => fromPromise(myPromise()))
This approach is a recommended best practice that works reliably in all scenarios. Promises are eager, whereas Observables are lazy and only initiate when someone subscribes to them. The defer operator allows us to make a Promise lazy.
3- Adding an Asynchronous Loop to Iterate Through All Pages
In the previous step, we learned how to obtain all job data from a LinkedIn page. Now, we want to use that code as many times as possible to gather as much data as we can. To achieve this, we first need to iterate through all available pages:
export function getJobsFromPageRecursive(page: Page, searchParams: ScraperSearchParams): Observable<ScraperResult> {
return getJobsFromLinkedinPage(page, searchParams).pipe(
map((jobs): ScraperResult => ({jobs, searchParams} as ScraperResult)),
catchError(error => {
console.error('error', error);
return of({jobs: [], searchParams})
switchMap(({jobs}) => {
console.log(`Linkedin - Query: ${searchParams.searchText}, Location: ${searchParams.locationText}, Page: ${searchParams.nPage}, nJobs: ${jobs.length}, url: ${urlQueryPage(searchParams)}`);
if (jobs.length === 0) {
return EMPTY;
} else {
return concat(of({jobs, searchParams}), getJobsFromPageRecursive(page, {...searchParams, nPage: searchParams.nPage++}));
The code above is an asyncronous loop made with recursion.
In RxJS, we cannot use a
loop as we do with await/async. We are required to use a recursive loop instead. While it might initially appear as a limitation, in an asynchronous context, this method proves to be more advantageous in numerous situations.
Could we implement this using Promises instead of Observibles? Absolutely, Here is the equivalent code written with Promises:
export async function getJobsFromAllPages(page: Page, searchParams: ScraperSearchParams): Promise<ScraperResult> {
const results: ScraperResult = { jobs: [], searchParams };
try {
while (true) {
const jobs = await getJobsFromLinkedinPage(page, searchParams);
console.log(`Linkedin - Query: ${searchParams.searchText}, Location: ${searchParams.locationText}, Page: ${searchParams.nPage}, nJobs: ${jobs.length}, url: ${urlQueryPage(searchParams)}`);
if (jobs.length === 0) {
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error:', error);
results.jobs = []; // Clear the jobs in case of an error.
return results;
This code performs nearly the same actions as the Observable-based one, with one critical difference: it only emits when all pages have finished processing. In contrast, the implementation using Observables emits after each page. Creating a stream is vital in this case because we want to handle the jobs as soon as they are resolved.
Certainly, we could introduce our logic following the line:
const jobs = await getJobsFromLinkedinPage(page, searchParams);
/* Handle the jobs here */
...but this would unnecessarily couple our scraping code with the part that handles the job data (a common case will be saving the jobs into a database).
In this example, we clearly see one of the many benefits Observables offer over Promises.
4- Add another asynchronous loop on top to iterate through all specified serach params
Now that we know how to iterate through all pages for a given set of search parameters, we can move on to the final step: creating a loop to iterate through different search parameters.
To accomplish this, we will first define the data structure in which we will store these search parameters and name it searchParamsList
const searchParamsList: { searchText: string; locationText: string }[] = [
{ searchText: 'Angular', locationText: 'Barcelona' },
{ searchText: 'Angular', locationText: 'Madrid' },
// ...
{ searchText: 'React', locationText: 'Barcelona' },
{ searchText: 'React', locationText: 'Madrid' },
// ...
To iterate through the searchParamsList
array, we essentially need to convert it from an Array to an Observable using the fromArray
operator. Subsequently, we will use the concatMap
operator to sequentially process each searchText and locationText pair. The power of RxJS here is that, in the case where we may want to switch from sequential to parallel processing, we just need to change the concatMap
for a mergeMap
. In this case, it is not recommended because we will exceed LinkedIn's rate limits, but it's something to consider in other scenarios.
* Creates a new page and scrapes LinkedIn job data for each pair of searchText and locationText, recursively retrieving data until there are no more pages.
* @param browser A Puppeteer instance
* @returns An Observable that emits scraped job data as ScraperResult
export function getJobsFromLinkedin(browser: Browser): Observable<ScraperResult> {
// Create a new page
const createPage = defer(() => fromPromise(browser.newPage()));
// Iterate through search parameters and scrape jobs
const scrapeJobs = (page: Page): Observable<ScraperResult> =>
concatMap(({ searchText, locationText }) =>
getJobsFromPageRecursive(page, { searchText, locationText, nPage: 0 })
// Compose sequentially previous steps
return createPage.pipe(switchMap(page => scrapeJobs(page)));
This code will iterate through various search parameters, one at a time, and retrieve jobs for each combination of technology and location.
🎉 Congratulations! You are now capable of scraping LinkedIn job data! 🎉
However, there are some challenges to overcome for consistent LinkedIn job data scraping.
Common LinkedIn Scraping Errors
If you run the provided code all at once, you will quickly encounter numerous errors from LinkedIn, making it difficult to successfully scrape a significant amount of information. There are two common errors that we need to address:
1- 429 status code response
This response can occur while scraping, and it means that you're making too many requests. If you encounter this error, consider reducing the scraping rate until it disappears.
2- Linkedin Authwall
From time to time, LinkedIn may redirect you to an authwall instead of the desired page. When the authwall appears, the only option is to wait a little longer before making the next request.
How to overcome those errors effectively
Those errors have to be handled in the function getJobsFromLinkedinPage
, we will extend that function and separate the scraping html code in another function named getLinkedinJobsFromJobsPage
. The code looks like this:
const AUTHWALL_PATH = 'linkedin.com/authwall';
const JOB_SEARCH_SELECTOR = '.job-search-card';
function goToLinkedinJobsPageAndExtractJobs(page: Page, searchParams: ScraperSearchParams): Observable<JobInterface[]> {
return defer(() => fromPromise(page.setExtraHTTPHeaders({'accept-language': 'en-US,en;q=0.9'})))
switchMap(() => navigateToLinkedinJobsPage(page, searchParams)),
tap(response => checkResponseStatus(response)),
switchMap(() => throwErrorIfAuthwall(page)),
switchMap(() => waitForJobSearchCard(page)),
switchMap(() => getJobsFromLinkedinPage(page)),
maxRetryAttempts: 4,
retryConditionFn: error => error.retry === true
map(jobs => Array.isArray(jobs) ? jobs : []),
* Navigate to the LinkedIn search page, using the provided search parameters.
function navigateToLinkedinJobsPage(page: Page, searchParams: ScraperSearchParams) {
return defer(() => fromPromise(page.goto(urlQueryPage(searchParams), {waitUntil: 'networkidle0'})));
* Check the HTTP response status and throw an error if too many requests have been made.
function checkResponseStatus(response: any) {
const status = response?.status();
if (status === STATUS_TOO_MANY_REQUESTS) {
throw {message: 'Status 429 (Too many requests)', retry: true, status: STATUS_TOO_MANY_REQUESTS};
* Check if the current page is an authwall and throw an error if it is.
function throwErrorIfAuthwall(page: Page) {
return getPageLocationOperator(page).pipe(tap(locationHref => {
if (locationHref.includes(AUTHWALL_PATH)) {
console.error('Authwall error');
throw {message: `Linkedin authwall! locationHref: ${locationHref}`, retry: true};
* Wait for the job search card to be visible on the page, and handle timeouts or authwalls.
function waitForJobSearchCard(page: Page) {
return defer(() => fromPromise(page.waitForSelector(JOB_SEARCH_SELECTOR, {visible: true, timeout: 5000}))).pipe(
catchError(error => throwErrorIfAuthwall(page).pipe(tap(() => {throw error})))
In this code, we address the errors mentioned earlier, namely the 429 status code error and the authwall issue. Overcoming these errors is crucial for ensuring the long-term success of web scraping from LinkedIn.
To handle these errors, the code employs a custom retry strategy implemented by the retryStrategyByCondition
export const retryStrategyByCondition = ({maxRetryAttempts = 3, scalingDuration = 1000, retryConditionFn = (error) => true}: {
maxRetryAttempts?: number,
scalingDuration?: number,
retryConditionFn?: (error) => boolean
} = {}) => (attempts: Observable<any>) => {
return attempts.pipe(
mergeMap((error, i) => {
const retryAttempt = i + 1;
if (
retryAttempt > maxRetryAttempts ||
) {
return throwError(error);
`Attempt ${retryAttempt}: retrying in ${retryAttempt *
// retry after 1s, 2s, etc...
return timer(retryAttempt * scalingDuration);
finalize(() => console.log('retryStrategyOnlySpecificErrors - finalized'))
This strategy essentially increases the time between each retry after a failure, allowing the code to be more resilient when faced with these common LinkedIn errors. This retry mechanism helps in managing the challenges associated with LinkedIn scraping and enhances the overall reliability of the process.
Note: It's important to be aware that LinkedIn may blacklist our IP address, and simply waiting for more time might not be an effective solution. To mitigate this potential issue and reduce the occurrence of errors, a recommended practice is to implement IP rotation at regular intervals. As an example, utilizing a VPN as a proxy and periodically switching between different geographic locations presents an easy and effective solution to this challenge.
Final Words
Web scraping can frequently violate the terms of service of a website. Always review and respect a website's robots.txt file and its Terms of Service. In this instance, this code should be used ONLY for teaching and hobby purposes. LinkedIn specifically prohibits any data extraction from its website; you can read more here.
I recommend web scraping for learning, teaching, and hobby projects. Always remember to consistently respect the scraped site, avoid launching too many requests, and ensure the data is used respectfully.
You can find all the updated code in this repository!
Safe Scraping!🕷